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Case Study


CitySquare is a nonprofit working to fight the causes and effects of poverty in the Dallas area. The organization offers comprehensive services to address key areas related to the persistence of poverty, such as hunger, health and wellness, and affordable housing. Its youth program also connects young people who are homeless or aging out of the foster care system to resources and support for self-sufficiency.


By the


individuals were targeted


donors attended a special cocktail event


pledged gift that was originally going to be $500

By the


individuals were targeted


donors attended a special cocktail event


pledged gift that was originally going to be $500

The Challenge

In early 2023, CitySquare decided to host a cocktail event to update their major and active donors about its progress amid leadership changes. It was a critical opportunity for the organization to gather support and engage with its donor base. However, CitySquare hadn’t hosted an invitation-only event for top donors in more than six years. The nonprofit also wanted to use the occasion to reconnect with donors who hadn’t contributed recently but were able to give at a higher level.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, CitySquare was restructured to focus its efforts on maximizing impact. It needed to make strategic decisions to meet its annual fundraising goals and ensure continued success. But dealing with its extensive dataset was overwhelming and challenging.


GivingDNA is valuable because it enables us to delve into the anticipated discretionary spending of our supporters. While we can obtain lists from our CRM that provide a glimpse into past giving history, they don’t focus on potential giving. This is where wealth screening and predicted discretionary spending come together and play a powerful role in identifying a pivotal donor who may not surface in the traditional way.

Sandra Ostad
Director of Development

The Solution

CitySquare utilized GivingDNA to segment its donors and analyze historical data, which yielded valuable insights. The organization focused on identifying individuals who had donated within the last five years, had a household income of $100,000 or more, and had predicted discretionary spending of $10,000 and higher.

With this data-driven approach, CitySquare curated a highly targeted and exclusive invitation list of 525 high-value individuals. The nonprofit sent invitations to this group and followed up with personalized outreach leading up to the event.

The Results

Thanks to its efforts, CitySquare re-engaged donors and hosted a successful cocktail event. One donor who hadn’t donated in the last three years was so excited about the organization’s updates that they gave a $35,000 gift. The donor had previously only given sporadically: $200 in 2000, $250 in 2004, and $500 in 2020. CitySquare has maintained an ongoing conversation with this individual since the event, and he’s expressed his intention to make this an annual recurring gift. Additionally, he has indicated a commitment to contribute even more by the end of the year.

This extraordinary upgrade highlights the impact of CitySquare’s work to reconnect with its past supporters. It also shows how effective GivingDNA can be in identifying major donors. CitySquare plans to continue using the data analytics and wealth screening platform to refine its strategies and grow its major gift pipeline and program further. By using GivingDNA to identify the top individuals and prospects with the capacity to give, CitySquare’s development team can focus on cultivating and stewarding those relationships to maximize their fundraising efforts.
